Writing a Static Analyser for PHP in Rust - Rules
This post was published 2 years ago. Some of the information might be outdated!
In this shorter part of the series, we'll start to build up an API for our analyser's rules. The idea here is that we want to be able to store as much information as we'd like on the rule itself, but still have a consistent API for executing the rule.
The best way to do this in the form of a trait. Traits in Rust behave like a mixture of PHP's abstract classes and interfaces. You can define contractual methods that the implementing structure must define, whilst also providing default implementations for methods.
Let's think about what our Rule
will need to do.
The first thing Rule
needs to do is check whether or not it should be executed for a particular statement or expressions in the AST. Let's call this method should_run()
pub trait Rule: Debug {
fn should_run(&self, node: &dyn Node) -> bool;
The second method will be responsible for actually checking the Node
. We'll keep it simple and only pass in the Node
and DefinitionCollection
since we don't have any form of Scope
just yet.
pub trait Rule: Debug {
fn should_run(&self, node: &dyn Node) -> bool;
fn run(&mut self, node: &dyn Node, definitions: &DefinitionCollection);
Right now, the run()
method doesn't need to return anything. Soon enough, it will be able to write error messages to some sort of buffer that will later be output in the console.
With the Rule
trait in place, we should create a generic Analyser
structure that stores all of the registered rules. The rules will be stored inside of a Vec<Box<dyn Rule>>
pub struct Analyser {
pub rules: Vec<Box<dyn Rule>>,
Let's also add some helper methods to make registering rules easier.
impl Analyser {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rules: Vec::new(),
pub fn add_rule(&mut self, rule: Box<dyn Rule>) {
The API here is a little annoying since you're required to wrap the Rule
in a Box
yourself, but I'm okay with that.
Now that we have an Analyser
, we can provide it with the DefinitionCollection
that we have already obtained. This will be provided via the constructor.
impl Analyser {
pub fn new(definitions: DefinitionCollection) -> Self {
Self {
rules: Vec::new(),
// ...
Let's also initialise an Analyser
in the command handler.
pub fn run(_: AnalyseCommand) {
let files = discoverer::discover(&["php"], &["."]).unwrap();
let mut collector = DefinitionCollector::new();
for file in files {
let contents = std::fs::read(&file).unwrap();
let mut ast = pxp_parser::parse(&contents).unwrap();
collector.scan(&mut ast);
let collection = collector.collect();
let mut analyser = Analyser::new(collection);
We should also start to think about an API for storing errors and messages from the analyser. This structure will be passed along to each Rule
that gets executed and will be used to push messages to the output. For now, we can call this the MessageCollector
pub struct MessageCollector {
file: String,
messages: Vec<String>,
impl MessageCollector {
pub fn new(file: String) -> Self {
Self {
messages: Vec::new(),
pub fn add(&mut self, message: impl Into<String>) {
Each file that gets analysed will have it's own MessageCollector
. Those will then get collected into their own Vec<MessageCollector>
that we can iterate over to output in the terminal.
impl Analyser {
pub fn analyse(&mut self, file: String, contents: &[u8]) -> MessageCollector {
let mut message_collector = MessageCollector::new(file);
let parse_result = parse(contents);
if let Err(error) = parse_result {
return message_collector;
let mut ast = parse_result.unwrap();
return message_collector;
// ...
The Analyser
is now able to accept a filename and the contents of that file, parse it and return a MessageCollector
. We're starting to do a little bit of error handling now too.
If the parser fails and returns an Err(ParseError)
, we can convert the ParseError
to a string, add it to the MessageCollector
and output the error in the console.
Let's hook this up to the command to see if the parser errors are produced correctly.
pub fn run(args: AnalyseCommand) {
let files = discoverer::discover(&["php"], &["."]).unwrap();
let mut collector = DefinitionCollector::new();
for file in files {
let contents = std::fs::read(&file).unwrap();
let mut ast = pxp_parser::parse(&contents).unwrap();
collector.scan(&mut ast);
let collection = collector.collect();
let mut analyser = Analyser::new(collection);
let contents = read(&args.file).unwrap();
let messages = analyser.analyse(args.file, &contents);
If we create a bad PHP file with a syntax error:
1 +
This should produce a parser error.
cargo run -- analyse ./playground/parse-error.php
[src/cmd/analyse.rs:27] messages = MessageCollector {
file: "./playground/parse-error.php",
messages: [
"[E002] Error: unexpected end of file on line 3 column 4\n",
And there we go! The parser error is now being added to the collector. The formatting of that error could use a little love still, since it's using the format that the parser provides out of the box but that's a problem for a future version of me.
Next steps
In the next part, we'll start to actually write our first Rule
and add in the necessary bits and pieces to make that work.
All of the code for this step can be found on GitHub.