Prevent Updating or Saving of Laravel Models

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For example, after a model gets created I don't want anyone to be able to update that record again. Instead, it should get overwritten with a brand new record and archived.

Here's a simple trait that you can use on your models to disable updating:

trait PreventsUpdating
    public static function bootPreventsUpdating()
        static::updating(function (Model $model) {
            return false;

Simply use this on your model and you will no longer be able to update it.

We could take this a step further and make it more reusable and DRY-er.

trait PreventsModelEvents
    public static function bootPreventsModelEvents()
        foreach (static::$prevents as $event) {
            static::{$event}(function (Model $model) {
                return false;

Now when we want to use it on a model, we can do this:

class User extends Model
    use PreventsModelEvents;

    protected static $prevents = ['updating'];

When we try to update our User model, it will be stopped and will return false. This can be applied to the other events such as saving and creating too.

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