Anonymous Alpine Components

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At its core, Alpine depends on an x-data attribute. At the time of writing this article, there isn't any other way to let Alpine know your component exists. One fun fact is that your x-data attribute can actually be empty and have no value at all.

<div x-data="{}"></div>

// this gets treated the same as above
<div x-data></div>

Alpine will default to using an empty object literal, so you don't have to worry about it. By doing this, we aren't setting up any data properties that need to be reactive in our UI, but we can still take advantage of Alpine's Vue-esque event binding syntax.

<div x-data>
  <button x-on:click="eventHandler()">Click me!</button>

I like to call this concept Anonymous Components, since Alpine has no data context to keep track of. If you're familiar with Laravel and the new Blade Components in version 7, you would have heard the same name being used for components that have no class handler and are simply regular Blade views (Thanks Dries!).

The real question is "Why not?". Let's list the alternative routes:

  1. Inline event registration using <button onclick="eventHandler()">
  2. Event property registration using el.onclick = eventHandler
  3. Registering event listeners using el.addEventListener('click', eventHandler).

This anonymous component approach is, syntactically, most similar to option number one. You are registering the event listener / handler using an attribute on the element itself.

Option number two is nearly the same, except this code needs to be executed from inside of a <script> tag, much like option number three.

Despite some of the performance problems with option number one, before using Alpine, I wouldn't actually have a problem with doing this for smaller components on my sites.

When looking at the markup, I can clearly see what function is going to be called when the event fires and for which event it is triggered for. Unless I actually need to edit or write the function, there is no need to switch context either. I don't need to do a project wide search for this function, or traipse through JavaScript files to find where and when the function is being called.

Under the hood, Alpine is using option number three (addEventListener) to actually register the event so the only performance bottleneck is going to be how quickly Alpine can traverse the DOM and find the x-on: or @ attributes. Given the small size of Alpine and its declarative nature, this is something I'm quite happy to forget about since its going to be minimally different from writing the code myself in an inline <script> tag, or importing a JavaScript file.

If you decide to use this approach in your applications, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

This can become a problem if you are transpiling / bundling your JavaScript, since it's normally scoped down to the module level automatically.

To circumvent this problem, explicitly define your functions on the window variable:

// bad
function eventHandler() {

// good
window.eventHandler = function () {

In other Alpine components, you might choose to define functions on the data object itself. When doing this, you can reference your event callback functions without the ending () parentheses. Alpine does this automatically for functions defined on your data object by checking the return value of your expression, then calling it if it is of the type function.

If you are using a function that's defined on the global scope, you will need to add those () parentheses yourself.

// bad
<button x-on:click="eventHandler">Click me</button>

// good
<button x-on:click="eventHandler()">Click me</button>

When using functions defined on your data object (as mentioned above), your function will receive a magic $event property as the first argument. This behaviour is the same as any other event handler in JavaScript, most commonly shortened to a single e.

Since we're having to put the parentheses in yourselves, we'll also need to pass through any of those mystical Alpine properties too.

<button x-on:click="eventHandler($event)">Click me</button>

Now we can access properties such as $ or $event.type in our function.

All the way through this post, I've used a function on the global scope as my event handler. Since Alpine will evaluate the expression inside of the attribute, you could also write some inline JavaScript too.

<button x-on:click="$ = 'none'">Hide me</button>

This is probably my current favourite use case for Alpine. Sure, the reactivity is cool but this can be so much cooler.

If you do get stuck with this approach at all, feel free to ask me questions on Twitter @ryangjchandler. I've also put a quick example here on CodePen.

Thanks for sticking around this far, have a good one!

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